
Women in TPCO

August 26th is National Women’s Equality Day. The United States Congress passed the 19th Amendment to the Constitution granting women full and equal voting rights on this day in 1920.

The 19th Amendment was a major achievement, but it was not inclusive. It did not allow minority women to vote. It was not until 1965 that Black and Brown women were granted the right to vote under the historic Voting Rights Act, which was put into place after years of protest as part of civil rights movements of the 1950’s and 1960’s.

Did you know The Preiss Company is the largest woman-owned student housing provider in the country? We also take deep pride in the following.

  • While women make up 49% of our company’s total workforce, they make up 70% of all onsite manager roles.

  • 65% of our Property Managers are women.

  • Two thirds of our Regional Managers are women.

We should not forget how far we’ve come in the last 100 years, but we should also realize how far we still have to go. We value women as leaders within our organization and are proud to support all female professionals in our communities.

Take time to celebrate this day by thanking the women in your life for everything that they do!